965 51 51 30 - Plaza Mayor, 1- 03840 Gaianes gaianes@gaianes.es

City Hall

Meet our City Hall, composition, budgets, ordinances, …


Come and enjoy our gastronomy, cultural heritage, accommodation, …

Gaianes. Alicante, town to town

Located next to the River Serpis, Gaianes proudly shows its vestiges of Muslim origin and treasures the old lagoon of La Albufera, recovered in 2004 as Protected Natural Space, a rich natural heritage for the municipality.

Electronic Office

All procedures with your Town Hall at a click.

Contractor Profile

Check the contract files


Transparency, access to public information and good governance

Bulletin board

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Outstanding news

Upcoming events

Pharmacies on call

Grants Received

Fondo Social Europeo

All the news

Stay informed of what is happening in Gaianes

Municipal Agenda

Check the schedule of events


Telephones, schedules and directions


Typical dishes of our town.
El tiempo - Tutiempo.net

Images from Gaianes

Places of interest

From Gaianes to the Albufera


Ask for a medical appointment
Mancomunitat de l'Alcoià i el Comtat
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